
Children are central to the life and community of our church community, and we want each child and parent to feel welcomed.

-Our Nursery (ages 0-5) is open to any parent with a child.

-KidsConnect (for Grades 1-3 and Grades 4-6) takes place during the service. Join the service with your child(ren), then, after the band plays its three-song set, children and teachers go to their groups. Parents must sign-in and sign-out their child(ren). To find your child's group before the service, ask one of the Greeters in the entrance to introduce you to Di, Leanne, or Fiona -- one of them will show you where your child's group meets. Feel free to join your child's group if you wish. If there is any way we can walk alongside you in this parenting season of your life, feel free to reach out to Di Keener,

-Parent’s Night Out (PNO): This is an event held about four times a year to give parents/guardians a break! The Children and Youth ministries join together to make this happen. The youth come and volunteer their time to entertain all the kids, and adults help with food and babies. Look for the next one to come and join in! Contact Di Keener for more information.

Safe-guarding: The Anglican Diocese of Montreal has extensive "safe church" policies to protect vulnerable persons, including children. We follow these policies, and all our teachers have passed police checks.