Facility Rentals

(Cliquez ici pour des informations en français )

General information for all rental spaces:

Parking: On-street only.
Public transit: 4-minute walk from Metro Côte-Vertu.
Accessibility: Depends on which space is rented; see below.
Entrances: The Church may be entered by 1640 Decelles or 1650 Decelles. Rentals of Drayton Hall only (without the Church) must be entered through the 1650 door.
GPS directions: use 1650, not 1640, Decelles.
Wifi: available on request
Alcohol: Renters must arrange their own licence.
Contact details: At the bottom of this webpage.

The Church

Main level

Piano and drums, with chairs on platform (platform can be arranged as desired)


All church rentals include:

    • Grand piano (6 ft 1 in)
    • Use of the Lounge / Green Room (“The Upper Room”)
    • Access to three unisex washrooms (including one wheelchair-accessible)
    • Concierge to open, close, and clean.
    • Accessibility: Wheelchair access by a manually-placed ramp up three steps (ramp provided)

Audio/Visual Options

  • Option A: No A/V system
  • Option B: Two wireless handheld microphones and laptop connection (HDMI) to projection system
  • Option C: Option B plus Zoom live-streaming, recording, and production of video
  • Option D: Full A/V system, including Zoom, 32 channel soundboard, and soundboard operator. (Outside sound systems not permitted.)

Seating Options

  • Plan A: Seating for 240, no refreshment area
    • 190 seats on main level, 38 seats on middle level, 12 seats on upper level
    • No refreshment area in the church; Hall may be rented for reception (see below)
  • Plan B: Seating for 218, with refreshment area:
    • 190 seats on main level, 16 seats on middle level, 12 seats on upper level
    • Refreshment area set up on middle level:
      • one or two long tables provided
      • one coffee urn provided, with biodegradable paper cups, sugar
      • Renter provides ground coffee, milk/cream, and edibles

Hall Option (for pre-event or post-event receptions):

  • Maximum 20 chairs and three tables provided
  • one coffee urn provided, along with biodegradable paper cups and sugar
  • Renter provides ground coffee, milk/cream, and edibles
  • Renter sets up coffee/tea/beverages and edibles themselves
  • Or Renter arranges their own catering
  • Does not include audio/visual system or equipment

Drayton Hall

Hall rentals include

  • Sound system with two microphones
  • Projection system with screen (renter provides own laptop; projector and HDMI connection provided)
  • Up to 30 folding chairs and up to five 6-ft tables
  • Kitchen (use of the stoves is restricted to warming only, no cooking)
  • Washrooms: Male and female (no wheelchair washroom)


  • Option 1: Refreshments served from pass-through
  • Option 2: Two 6-ft serving tables set up in front of pass-through
  • For both options 1 & 2:
    • Coffee urn provided, with biodegradable paper cups, sugar
    • Renter provides ground coffee, milk/cream, and edibles
    • Renter sets up coffee/tea/beverages and edibles themselves
    • For full catering service, renters must arrange their own catering

Room Rentals

The Upper Room/ Lounge

  • Video screen with HDMI attachment available.
  • Additional chairs (folding) available: renter may bring in extra chairs and/or tables from other rooms, but must return chairs and tables to original locations in the room or in other rooms.

Crosbie’s Corner

  • Video screen with HDMI attachment available.
  • Additional chairs (folding) available: renter may bring in extra chairs and/or tables from other rooms, but must return chairs and tables to original locations in the room or in other rooms.

More information

For more information (including rates) and to make bookings, contact our Bookings Manager: cmproomrentals@gmail.com.